Questions and answers

Questions and answers

Exceed expectations in fantasy sports!

How do bonus points work?

Awarded for special player achievements or fulfilling special conditions.

What is the substitution deadline?

The time until which changes can be made to the lineup before the start of the match.

How does the substitution system work?

Allows you to change players within the established limit of substitutions per tournament.

What are virtual trophies?

Rewards for in-game achievements that are displayed in your profile.

What to do if there are technical failures?

Contact support and follow their instructions.

How to recover a forgotten password?

Use the password recovery function via email.

What to do if you lose access to your account?

Contact support and provide

proof of account ownership.

How to appeal unfair point assignment?

Submit an appeal using a special form on the website.

What to do if there are errors in the statistics?

Report the problem to the administration and provide evidence.

Diclaimer 18+

_Fantasy Sports invites all smartphone and tablet owners to the exciting world of cricket tournaments. It's easier to start playing than it seems – the rules are designed specifically for quick learning. Play whenever it's convenient and as much as you want: you set your own match schedule. Registration is open to users who have reached the age of 18. All rights reserved Cricket Domination, info@cricketdomination.com_, _+43 9 6414 5702, Mariahilfer Str. 42-48, 1070 Vienna_